The result was that Im also getting better at hunting and gathering. lols. I ended up with an yummy salad of green leafy spinach and lettuce with avocado, tomato, mushroom and cucumber, with a squeeze of fresh lemon. That salad took up 3/4's of my plate, balanced out with a tin of kippered herring.
For so long my meals have been balanced with less vegies and more meat and carbs. Its great to see I'm starting to win some mental wars. Once we all get over bad foods as a reward to ourselves and start on a real path of good foods being the reward instead, we can make better choices and ultimately feel happier and healthier.
Today I will find out the results of my blood tests. I'm not anxious - I just want to know what I'm dealing with and start to confront it head on.
I online shopped yesterday for three books to read over my summer break from work:
- If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!: How to Cope with Alopecia Areata in a Hair-Obsessed World by Leslieanne Butler
- Alopecia and Wellness: Healthy recipes for everyday BY MOLLY VAZQUEZ
- Regrowing Hair Naturally: Effective Remedies and Naturally Treatments for Men and Women with Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Androgenetica, Telogen Effluvium and Other Hair Loss Problems by Vera Peiffer
After an early morning text with a friend, I was reminded that my hair loss may be temporary. For all the emotions and turmoil, uncertainty and changes I will now face, I still have my life and for that I am eternally grateful.
One of my favourite things to do when I travel for work, is do a bit of rummaging in the remote op shops for unearthed treasures that belong in my online vintage shop Vintage Twists. Sadly there was no such place to be found in quiet 'lil Onslow.
Thankfully, the beach (which I can see from my chalet) is FULL of shells.
I spent time collecting enough for a mobile, which will provide a focal point for remembering my contemplative time in town. The crafting of said mobile will provide meditative opportunities for reflection and pretty sounds outside my kitchen window to add to my wooden chimes from Bali.
I like collecting shells, like a bloomin' child, because it forces me to slow down and appreciate nature, to notice the teeny tiny perfectly formed baby shells and the time weathered ones. Onslow's beach is litterred with super old coral, the colours of sand and sea are different, stained by the mineral rich Pilbara red earth. I'm looking forward to coming back next year and sharing the arts with the community.
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